Friday, July 9, 2021

Request from our new Supreme Knight ( add your name to USCCB petition on the Hyde Amendment )


Sign the Petition. Urge Congress to Protect Life.

Dear Brother Knight:

Your immediate action is necessary to protect taxpayer funding from being used to pay for abortion.

Over the last few weeks, the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives has considered legislation to fund the U.S. government without the long-standing, bi-partisan provisions that prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion.

Next week, the same committee is scheduled (as soon as Monday) to eliminate the popular Hyde Amendment.  First introduced in 1976 by our brother Knight, the late U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, this important provision has saved the lives of more than 2.4 million children.

I urge you to take action today and sign this petition sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops asking Congress to preserve these long-standing provisions and to protect human life.

Our 2021 Knights of Columbus/Marist Polling found that 58% of Americans oppose the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion.  Sign the USCCB petition today to remind Congress that Americans do not want their taxpayer dollars to be used to take innocent, unborn life.

Thank you for all you do to promote a culture of life!


Patrick E. Kelly

Supreme Knight

Note from your pro-life chairman:  This isn't as good as I would have hoped.  There are two steps.  The first step, at the top before anything else is explained for some reason, you sign up name and e-mail for notifications on this subject.  This act, also adds your name to the petition.

You will then get an e-mail and a chance to send a more personalized e-mail to our congresscritters- All of which are pro-choice, but I did get a nice letter back from Sen. Jeff M. thanking me for letting him know and then telling me we're on opposite sides of the issue and he has a totally different take.  The local Rep, Suzanne B. also wrote me a glowing letter praising the power of abortion to change the lives of the poor (yes, certainly not letting the next generation be born, changes lives, sometimes for short term gain but long term pain).

I also added the following to my prewritten letters from the USCCB:

In Oregon, as I'm sure you are aware, our dear governor already embezzles money from the schools budget, laundered through the insurance premiums of teachers, to fund abortions, so there is no real need for the federal government to do so.

I felt adding that sentence, made the point that Oregon already goes against the wishes of many voters on this subject.  Money intended for schools is collected on your property taxes.  A small portion of that is paid to teachers- and their insurance premiums are taxed to provide the "benefit" of killing between 6000 to 9000 children a year in the State of Oregon.  A very convoluted scheme indeed.  Talk about REMOTE material cooperation. 

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