Wednesday, September 5, 2018

St. Clare Picnic Schedule

Sunday, September 9, 2018

7:30 am:  Ted and Michael Chau arrive to open the gate and get propane unloaded
8:00 am:  Chris Griffith, Mike Devlin arrive to help unload grill.  Grill, warming ovens, and crab cooker arrives from 3591.
9:00 am:  Christopher Seeber, Shannon Seeber arrive and set up the Lego Church Project and Mike Devlin sets up the Goal Kick.  Ted, Michael Chau, and Chris Griffith get meat and get ready to start cooking.
9:30 am, Veggie burgers and hamburgers on the grill,crab pot full of hot dogs.
10:00am One Mass starts in Church
11:00am Mass gets out and we start serving.  Dragon Dash starts.  Tom Owens and Paul Pompili arrive to take a shift.
1:00pm End cooking, begin cleaning and cooling off grill.
2:00pm Load Grill.

Should be a fun event, everybody.


  1. Hi All, I'll take the 11am shift too.

  2. Great, thanks Ken. And here's a note from Fr. Don:
    Thanks all you Knights for all you are doing to help with our parish picnic. You are a great help. I appreciate it! God bless you all. –Fr. Don
