Thursday, November 9, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon GK, Latest Health & Welfare Report

Dear Brothers

Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Bill Waller 'wife who passed away on the morning of October 18th.  Funeral services were held on October 27th. Bill is a member of Council 13851 in Tualatin, Oregon.

Brother Kenny (Kenneth) Scheckla  passed away October 31, 2017.  Kenny was a founding member of Tigard Council #3591 back on February 7, 1953.  Kenny had 64 straight years of Membership with the Knights of Columbus.  Kenny is survived by his wife Bibianne.  Please pray for  Bibianne and the family. Kenny was 84 born on 11-17-1932.    

On November 5, 2017, Past State Deputy Dave Denton passed away in his sleep around 9:30 p.m.  His funeral Mass will be this Saturday (armistice day) 11th November at St Alice in Springfield at 11:00 a.m.. What a perfect day for this exemplary Sir Knight to have his funeral!!!  There is a 4th degree exemplification on that same day but registration is not until 1am. This will leave ample time to get from St Alice to St Mary’s for the exemplification.  All the Sir Knights wishing to be there for is Honor Guard please be at St Alice by 10.15am.  Brother Sir Dave was a member of Fr. Patrick Curley Council #4087 in Springfield, OR and Fr. Vincent R. Capondanno Assembly #3258 in Eugene.

SK Robert Saldino member of Council 3157 and Assembly 2437 (Grants Pass) has recently moved down to be near family in Thousand Oaks, CA in his final days on this earth.  He was placed on hospice on 11/03/2017.  Robert born 4/07/36 only joined the Knights 10/2012.  He is an honored Vietnam Vet and was even more honored to become a Knight.  For the last 3 years he has been the Color Corp Commander for Assembly 2437.  He has asked to be buried in his Regalia.  Please pray for this wonderful man and his family.

Prayer Chairman

Andrew F. Robinson, Jr.

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