Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Brother Daniel Salomon GK---Funeral Arrangements for Brother SK Dave Denton

PSD Bob Kish has shared the funeral arrangements for our PSD and Brother SK Dave Denton.
Dave's service is Saturday Nov. 11th at 11:00AM at St. Alice in Springfield.
Any Sir Knight with Regalia is asked to be there at 10:15 to honor our Past State Deputy.
There is a 4th degree exemplification on that same day at but registration is not until 1am. This will leave ample time to get from St Alice to St Mary's for the exemplification.  
Bob Kish
Oregon State KofC Charities President
Oregon Knights of Columbus, PSD

Past Oregon State Deputy David Denton passed in his sleep about 9:30pm last night. For those using Facebook,
Brother Sir Dave was a member of Fr. Patrick Curley Council #4087 in Springfield, OR and Fr. Vincent R. Capondanno Assembly #3258 in Eugene.

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