Friday, January 22, 2016

A note from Alice Fay about last night's meeting

Included all you wonderful Knights of Columbus in my nighttime prayers for your amazing, impromptu contribution of $78 for the Sears Homeless Shelter. I was completely overwhelmed with your quick, sincere response..... Since I was dropping off a trunkload of stuff after the meeting, I asked the shelter staff what they needed right now and the staff said it was unanimous......BOTTLED WATER! ( not my first choice 'cuz I hate plastic bottles, but usually you have to trust on-site staff to know their needs best).. I was able to buy and deliver 20 cases (24 bottles in each) to them last night and will buy and take the other 6 over today.  They were really so appreciative as they had NONE on hand. I can't count how many times they said thank you and bless you, so I am passing those thanks and blessings on to you. You and the very generous Knights made this happen,Ted!  Of course, I gave St. Clare's Knights of Columbus council credit for this wonderful surprise donation.
 And let's all keep these folks in our prayers for permanent solutions to the problem of homelessness. And also prayers for Transition Projects and the City in helping solve these problems.
Alice Fay 
Click here for contact information and some suggestions for how we Knights can get involved

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